Tips for Helping Your Teething Toddler

For parents, watching our children deal with teething pain is difficult. Of course, seeing our children suffer is painful, but dealing with sleepless nights, all-day fussiness and clinginess can take a toll on our own health, as well. Luckily, there are several ways to help ease toddler teething pain and make things a little bit easier for both our children and ourselves.

Cold Foods and Drinks

Soft foods and drinks that are cold in temperature may help to soothe your child’s pain. It’s important to keep in mind that nutritious, low-sugar snacks are vital to preserving your child’s oral health. Some healthy snacks that may help ease teething pain include:

  • Chilled applesauce or smashed bananas
  • Frozen yogurt tubes
  • Ice water in a sippy cup
  • Chilled fruit in a mesh feeder
  • Home-made popsicles

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